Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hartford group heads to Litchfield Feb. 5

The Hartford delegation of FFA students Shannen Miller, Maggie Galloway, Taylor Albert and Cole Kimbro, along with adults Stacy Hatcher, Susan and Kenny Galloway, and Martha and Nick Holley headed up to Litchfield for the 40th annual Peanut Butter & Milk Festival on Feb. 5.

The guests attended church with their host families on February 6th, and then enjoyed snowmobiling at the Roger and Janet Huhn Farm by Lake Manuella from 2-to-4 that afternoon.

On February 7th, the Hartford group visited farms and industries around Meeker County during “Dairy Day,” learning about the dairy industry. There was a potluck banquet that evening at the Church of the Nazarene in Litchfield.

On February 8th, the Southern guests visited various businesses in Litchfield during “Chamber Day.” The group was interviewed on KLFD during a breakfast at McDonald’s on February 9th. They visited the Litchfield Schools in the morning and Bushmills Ethanol Plant by Atwater, and Sweet Promotions and Minnesota Coffee Roasters in Grove City in the afternoon.

On February 10th, the Hartford delegates went skiing and tubing at Powder Ridge, compliments of Meeker Cooperative. The public joined the group that evening for a chili and soup supper at the Darwin Rod & Gun Club.

On Friday, February 11th, the delegates toured Spectralytics in Dassel, then toured the State Capitol in St. Paul, and visited the Mall of America. They returned to Alabama on Saturday, February 12th, after a busy but exciting week in Minnesota!

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